Gemini Observatory

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Gemini Observatory is a renowned international brand that operates twin 8.1-meter diameter optical/infrared telescopes on two exceptional observing sites. Situated on Maunakea in Hawai‘i and Cerro Pachón in Chile, these telescopes have complete access to the entire sky. With cutting-edge capabilities, Gemini Observatory offers a wide range of groundbreaking services. They boast a unique visitor instrument program and are pioneering innovative approaches to proposing and observing. Their fast turnaround, large and long programs, and priority visitor mode make them stand out in the field. The international partnership behind Gemini Observatory includes the US National Science Foundation, the Canadian National Research Council, and organizations from Chile, Brazil, Argentina, and Korea. Each of these partners maintains a National Gemini Office to support local users. Astronomers from these countries can apply for Gemini time, allocated proportionally to each participant’s level. Stay updated with Gemini Observatory through their website, e-newsletter, and social media channels.