
Open Jobs - 3

Hydrosat is a pioneering brand that specializes in providing daily, high-resolution thermal and multispectral infrared imagery of the entire Earth. With their cutting-edge thermal capabilities, they also offer advanced analytics solutions to address climate and agriculture challenges. They strive to support Earth in managing its most valuable resource, water, by offering geospatial intelligence for food security, public safety, and environmental purposes. Hydrosat’s thermal imagery sets a new benchmark for satellite imaging and is accessible worldwide, eliminating long waiting periods. They provide access to their data through an intuitive web dashboard, Hydrosat API, and diverse delivery options. The brand excels in various use cases such as crop yield forecasting, irrigation optimization, wildfire prediction, disease vector mapping, and more. Hydrosat constantly strives for excellence, as demonstrated by their recent acquisitions and partnerships. Join their team and be part of the innovative solutions they create to foster a resilient food supply chain and make a positive impact on the world.