Space Forge

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Space Forge is a pioneering brand that is revolutionizing the way we work in space for the benefit of humanity. With our expertise in microgravity manufacturing, we are transforming the return from space to enable the creation of revolutionary products. Our focus is on manufacturing new materials for the new age of Earth. On Earth, we face various challenges when it comes to manufacturing. Gravity causes buoyancy, hindering perfect alloying in metals with different densities. The dense atmosphere contaminates even the cleanest processes, and maintaining extreme temperatures is a struggle. However, in space, these challenges are overcome. In the microgravity of space, the absence of gravity allows for larger, perfect crystal formation and uniform alloy mixing. The near-zero temperatures of space enable ultra-fast curing without the need for cryogenics. Additionally, the vacuum environment eliminates contamination issues. With our ForgeStar™ Platform, we offer a rapid, reliable, and returnable vehicle to harness the space environment for your needs. Our partnerships include the innovative Aether prediction system for satellite and space body re-entry warning. Join us in this exciting journey as we explore the limitless possibilities that space offers. Contact us at for more information.